Your donation makes it possible for the 390th Memorial Museum to maintain the highest levels of excellence as the 390th Bomb Group’s legacy, and its role in the WWII European Air War, is preserved for future generations.
About the Museum
Originally founded by a close-knit group of 390th veterans to honor, preserve and share their stories, the museum has evolved to become a world class facility focused on the 390th Bomb Group and its role in the European air war.
About Your Donation
If you wish to make a tribute to a 390th Bomb Group Veteran, please include the veterans name in the message section during checkout. Please specify "In Memory Of" (if the veteran is deceased) or "In Honor of" (veteran may be living or deceased). You contribution will be acknowledged in the Square J Bulletin, the museum's quarterly newsletter. If you do not wish to be acknowledged, please state "anonymous" in the message section.
Note: your gift acknowledgement will be published in the quarter following your contribution. You must be a current member of the museum to receive the Square J Bulletin.